GDPR Cookie Policy

By visiting the website and mobile, of quickermenu with the browser set to accept cookies and continuing to browse (or: closing the banner with the information “short”, scrolling the page or clicking any of its elements) you consent to the use of cookies as described in this Cookie Policy and in the specific privacy policies of the sites that Quickermenu owns, in particular on the date of publication of this information.

This Cookie Policy, rendered by quickermenu as Holder, is intended to illustrate the types and purposes of the cookies used and to allow you to express your preferences regarding the use of cookies.

Quickermenu uses cookies or bookmarks, which are technically packets of information sent by a web server to the visitor's / user's Internet browser and automatically stored on the device by the latter (personal computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc.) and automatically sent back to the server at each subsequent access to the site. The cookie can only be used by the web server that issued it (or by any third parties with whom it was originally shared); this means, for example, that the cookies generated by quickermenu cannot be read by the servers managed by third parties.

Through this Cookie Policy it is possible to express your preferences regarding the various types of cookies and also modify them at a later time. These preferences will be recorded in a specific “technical consent cookie”, related to the browser you are browsing with at the moment, which will be updated based on any changes to the preferences you wish to express over time. If you were to access the quickermenu sites with a different browser or other device, you will be offered the banner again for the expression of consent and an additional technical cookie will be generated. So far as, after having expressed your preferences, later decide to delete all cookies, the technical cookie will also be deleted and therefore you will again be offered to express your consent regarding the installation of profiling cookies.

Some cookies are necessary for the correct provision of the site or useful for its personalized use; in this case, their inhibition could compromise some features of the site.

Quickermenu, Moreover, can publish on its own sites, directly or through third parties, also advertisements corresponding to your interests, deduced based on your online activities and browsing habits. We specify that, if you decide to disable cookies aimed at delivering "targeted" or "behavioral" advertising, generic advertising banners will continue to be displayed.

By default, almost all web browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. Visitors / users can still change the default configuration , as better illustrated below in this same Policy.

For more information regarding the Data Controller of your personal data, methods of processing itself, categories of managers and agents, exercise of the rights referred to in art. 7 of the Privacy Code or further processing relating to the data declared during registration for the quickermenu services, we invite you to consult the Privacy Policy of the single site or the specific privacy policies for the services provided by quickermenu through its sites or to send an email through the appropriate online form, clicking here .

<strong>A) Types of Cookies</strong>
Persistent cookies: these cookies remain stored, until they expire, on the user / visitor device. They are used in order to facilitate navigation within the site and its correct use, to facilitate access to services that require authentication (avoiding that users have to re-enter the authentication credentials each time they access the services), for statistical purposes, to find out which areas of the site have been visited, as well as, in some cases, for optimal management of pages and advertising spaces or to deliver content and advertising in line with the choices made by surfers.

Session cookies: these cookies are not stored permanently on the user / visitor's device and disappear when the browser is closed. They are used in order to transmit the session identifiers necessary to allow safe and efficient exploration of the site. The session cookies used on the quickermenu sites avoid the use of other IT techniques that are potentially detrimental to the confidentiality of user / visitor navigation and are also used to improve the provision of services.

First party cookies: they can be both persistent and session; they are managed directly by the owner and / or manager of the site and are used, for example, to ensure its technical functioning (the so-called "technical cookies") o keep track of preferences expressed regarding the use of the site itself (for example to view the weather forecast for your city).

Third party cookies: they too can be both persistent and session; they are generated and managed by managers unrelated to the site visited by the user and are used, for example, to find out the number of pages visited within the site itself (the so-called "statistical cookies" or "analytics cookies") or to post content or advertising on the site you are visiting.

<strong>B) Main purposes of cookies</strong>
Technical cookies: these are the cookies necessary to allow navigation of the site and the use of some products and services. They are used, for example, to recognize the user who has authenticated to their e-mail box and keep the session open even when visiting other pages of the site, or to ensure certain site security measures and monitor its correct functioning.

Cookie statistici o “analytics”: these cookies are used to monitor the performance of the site, for example to know the number of pages visited or the number of users who have viewed a particular section. The analysis of these cookies generates anonymous and aggregated statistical data without any reference to the identity of the site surfers. They are also useful for evaluating any changes and improvements to be made to the site itself.

Cookies for storing preferences: they are useful cookies to facilitate the correct use of the site by the user and to create a browsing experience that adheres to the expectations expressed. They are used, for example, to keep track of the chosen language.

Advertising cookies: these cookies are aimed at providing advertising spaces. These cookies are installed, directly from quickermenu or from third parties. Some of them are used to calculate the value of the advertising offer, identify individual advertisements and know which ones were selected and when. Other advertising cookies, how behavioral cookies and retargeting cookies are used to deduce your "profile" as a navigator and then propose you advertising messages in accordance with your behavior on the net and presumably in line with your interests. This "profile" is anonymous and the information collected through these cookies does not allow to trace your identity. quickermenu also releases advertising cookies on the sites of some partners with which it has entered into specific commercial agreements. To express your preferences regarding these cookies, you can consult the page .

Cookie di Social Network: these are cookies that allow you to share the contents of the site you are visiting with other users or to express your opinion on it. These cookies are typically used to activate the "Like" or "Follow" functions of Social Networks such as Facebook and Twitter, just to name a few. These functions allow Social Networks to identify their users and collect information even while they browse other sites. quickermenu recommends that you consult the privacy policy of each of the Social Networks you use to know the purposes and methods of the processing of personal data carried out by them.

<strong>C) Management of First Party Cookies </strong>
Below you can find out which categories of cookies are managed directly by quickermenu on its site, grant or deny consent, modify it later.

You can decide to accept all cookies with a single click on the "Accept All" button below, or express your consent selectively for each site and for each type.
